Newsletter December 2010

Dearest Archangel friends,

So much has been happening with the Archangels since my last newsletter with so much incredible new information being revealed to me. I have been working extensively with the Archangel energy not only in my treatments and with students in workshops but also with anchoring the energy of the Archangels on the earth plane. For instance on the 10-10-10 (10th October 2010) I meditated with the 10 Archangels who work with the Platonic Solids, the building blocks of the universe, to anchor their energy.

The Archangel Gabriel energy and his light of purity and guidance has become increasingly evident. During the last full moon meditation I anchored more of Archangel Gabriel's high vibrational energy on the earth plane. In these challenging times you are probably more aware that we are in the midst of a great shift in consciousness. You may be feeling rather strange and just know that something is happening. It is such a blessing to have the support, love and guidance of the Archangels at this important time.

I am now offering Archangel Life Path consultations. You can discover which of the 144 lessons of the Archangels are particularly relevant to you in this lifetime. Either visit my centre in Wells or for those of you living a great distance from the centre or unable to travel a Life Path Archangel reading can be done by on-line/post. You can also buy a gift voucher for a consultation.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

With love and light,

Denise Whichello Brown ^i^


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