Newsletter March 2011

Dearest Archangel friends,

I just wanted to keep you all up-to-date with some of my recent and future Archangel activities.
In my last newsletter, I wrote about my work with anchoring the Archangels' energy and their own specific oils, crystals and symbols upon the earth plane. I am delighted to tell you that I have now FIRMLY anchored Gabriel's Ray of Purity in his very sacred place. Now, Gabriel's sanctuary is absolutely brimming with his purity and radiance and I have even begun some healing work there. I took one of my clients - a very angelic little boy - to Gabriel's healing sanctuary just 2 weeks ago.

SO - now only 8 more rays to anchor, to align us with the 9 Karmic Laws and the 144 lessons that we are here to learn!

I have begun my work with the rays and symbols of the lessons of Archangel Sandalphon and Archangel Zadkiel. This Thursday, March 10th, I will be going to the sacred place of Archangel Enochis to anchor his red and purple rays upon the earth plane and to place his 16 symbols, which relate to the lessons, in his sacred sanctuary. Archangel Enochis oversees the 16 lessons of the Karmic Law of Remembering. Therefore, after the 10th March, you may experience some of the following effects:-

  • Heightened intuition
  • An ability to tune in more deeply to like - minded souls on the Archangel Pathway
  • Letting go of the past
  • A download of information
  • A faster progression towards enlightenment
  • Tuning in to your soul pathway and the part you are here to play in the Divine Plan of Action
  • Clarity of information
  • A deep wisdom
My Archangel students will also notice that they may experience an increased insight into the deeper layers of the lessons.
In celebration of our beloved Archangel Enochis I will bringing out a new Archangel spray to enable you to align with his Karmic Law of Remembering. This will contain 10 pure essential oils that resonate with 10 of the Archangels who work with the lessons of the Karmic Law of Remembering. I will be taking my first Enochis Archangel Spray with me when I go to his sacred place on Thursday 10th March.

Thank you all so much for all your wonderful comments about your Archangel Life Path consultations
I am finding, that as they take several hours to complete, that they are best done by post.
I hand write each consultation and make up your own personal Archangel Spray, which is individual only to you.

Here are just a few of the wonderful comments:-

"I received the package today. Thank you very very much! The package was much much more excellent than I had expected! I love the smell of the fragrance, and I am really moved to receive your messages!!!!
Your messages are full of warmth and love, and they empowered me a lot!!! I read them again and again. I thank you so much for your great counselling and the personal fragrance!!!
I hope I can see you in the future! "
Y K, Tokyo, Japan.

"I have received today my Archangel Life path consultation. I feel so excited, that am reading and reading again the consultation, I feel such a joy and connection with the Archangels. I feel their energy around me already. I feel so fortunate to be accompanied, guided and supported through my life path with this wonderful energy of the Archangels and be aware of it. I feel such gratitude. I feel very thankful and I am feeling your energy Denise while reading your consultation and even hear your voice through your handwriting. It was such a pleasant surprise to receive the consultation with your handwriting!
I would like to meet you one day and have a workshop and I hope and wish this to happen soon."
K M, Cyprus

"Thank you for your Life path Consultation - it was fascinating and VERY accurate.
Thanks, Denise for all your help and advice and for the Archangels love and guidance. Please put me in your healing prayers."
A P, England

If you would like an Archangel Life Path Consultation to discover which of the 144 lessons of the Archangels are particularly relevant to you in this lifetime then please get in touch.

The next Level 1 Archangel Workshop is on Saturday June 11th - Sunday June 12th. I would love to see some NEW people there! We need more people to work with this wonderful Archangel energy that I feel so blessed to have received.

Remember to tune in this Thursday!

Love and blessings to you all,



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